Podcasting FAQs
We’ve got your answers here!
Q. What equipment do I need to get started on my podcast?
- A way to record your podcast. (Zoom, Riverside, etc.)
-A microphone (This doesn’t have to be anything fancy or expensive.)
-A pair of wired headphones. (Bluetooth headphones can cause a delay when recording)
-A podcast host (Libsyn or Buzzsprout) to upload your episodes to
Q. What software do I need to edit my podcast?
-Audacity is a good place to start! Very user friendly and FREE.
Q. How often should I publish my episodes?
-Consistency is key for this! So whatever you can consistently show up to do. Most commonly its weekly or bi-weekly episodes.
Q. How long should my episodes be?
-Again, consistency is key! Listeners who fall in love with a podcast, get used to the time it takes to listen to the episodes. An average of 20-30 mins per episode is common because that is the average length of a commute to work.
Q. How much does it cost to have my podcast on Spotify, Apple, and other places people listen to their podcasts?
-Its FREE to publish to these platforms.
Q. Should I have a video podcast or audio?
- Video is a lot more work, and there is much more time in a listener’s day to listen to audio while commuting or multi-tasking. Audio also allows the listener to close their eyes and really dive in and engage with your show. But, in the end, its up to you as the creator.
Q. Can a podcast make money?
-Yes! There are many ways you can monetize your podcast.