Pivot to Podcast Management Program

The Pivot to Podcast Management Program is a 16 week 1:1 mentorship to give you all the tools, resources and support to become a successful podcast manager. You will get weekly 1:1 zoom calls with slack support in between.

Audrey is a podcast manager and strategist who is very passionate about podcasts and the impact they can have on the world. She has been a podcast manager in the past, and is very knowledgeable on strategies needed to scale your show. She is so passionate about helping other women and mamas becoming podcast managers and working from home alongside their kiddos on their time and schedule. Giving them the ultimate schedule of freedom and flexibility.

“I love the positive impact that podcasts can have on a person’s business. I believe everyone has a voice and something to share, some people might just need a clear direction and structure in place to do so! That is where I come in.”


Meet Your Mentor

Pivot to Podcast Management Mentorship

is for you if:

-You love podcasts and the messages people are putting out into the world

  • -Your stuck at $2-3K months and want to work less while making more, doubling your income while working part time hours

    -You know you're wasting time and working more hours than you should but you don't know how to simplify and scale back your hours while making more money 

    -You want to have the freedom of 3-4 hour work days instead of being stuck at your laptop all day

    -You want to scale your business but feel like you already struggle to balance mom life and business